Dental crowns might be the solution you’ve been waiting for if you’ve suffered from damaged or weakened teeth. Dental crowns are a standard dental treatment covering and safeguarding damaged or decayed teeth. They can also shield one dental implant or help support dental bridges. It may improve a tooth’s functionality, size, shape, and appearance. This article will explore their different forms, the pros and cons, the associated costs, and the appropriate times to be utilized.
Dental Crown
A dental crown is a “cap” formed like a tooth placed over the tooth to improve size, shape, and appearance. The crown may cover the entire visible portion of the tooth. It is usually cemented to the tooth with dental cement. It is designed to order and made using techniques that are concealed.
Types of Dental Crowns
There are four basic categories of crowns used in dentistry. Each type has its advantages.
Ceramic Crowns
Ceramic crowns are renowned for providing aesthetic restoration solutions with natural-looking results. They are made of porcelain and crafted to blend in seamlessly with the color of your teeth; ceramic crowns offer an aesthetic option that blends seamlessly. Additionally, ceramic crowns make an excellent option for front tooth restorations because of their aesthetic qualities and attractive design.
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns
The crowns are made of a metal base bonded to porcelain. Their durable structure makes them suitable for use on back teeth. However, the metal may sometimes be visible at the gum line, which could make some people wary.
Gold Crowns
Gold crowns are crafted from an amalgam of gold and are very durable, which makes them ideal for those with back teeth that suffer considerable pressure from eating or chewing. Their appearance and price may cause difficulties for some patients.
Base Metal Alloys
These crowns are composed of non-noble metal alloys that are highly corrosion-resistant, durable enough to withstand chewing pressure, biocompatible, and perfect for those suffering from metal allergies – yet less attractive aesthetically than ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
Benefits and Drawbacks
Dental crowns can offer many benefits when considering treatment for damaged teeth. First and foremost, they will restore the function of your bite, making chewing and biting painful again. In addition, they can enhance appearance by providing you with a stunning smile and protecting those with weak or decayed teeth from further decay or damage. In addition to dental crowns, you may benefit from tongue tie surgery if you have a restricted frenulum.
But dental crowns have their drawbacks. One is the cost; dental crowns are expensive, and most insurance plans don’t cover them. Additionally, getting one could require multiple appointments. Certain patients might be afflicted with a temporary sensation or discomfort after having crowns fitted.
Cost of Dental Crowns
The choice of material used will impact the cost of crowns used in dentistry. Dental crown costs also depend on the expertise of the dentist, the location, and the degree of difficulty involved in the procedure.
When Can Dental Crowns Be Used?
Dental crowns can be utilized for many reasons. Most of the time, they shield dental decayed or damaged teeth from further deterioration while also covering teeth that are discolored, distorted, small, or discolored due to age-related processes or discolored as a result of root canal treatments – offering extra support and security when undergoing root canal procedures. Consult a specialist to learn how dental crowns work.
Which Dental Crown Is Right for Me?
The ideal crown will depend on your preferences and needs. If your primary goal is aesthetics, ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal may be best. For back teeth prone to more pressure or wear, a gold or base metal alloy crown may provide more significant support; click here for more information.
Dental crowns can be a restoration option that can enhance the appearance and functionality of your smile. There are a myriad of styles, so there is a dental crown that suits your needs and preferences. While they may have certain drawbacks, dental Crowns are an excellent option for many reasons. Consult your dentist to determine if dental crowns or tongue tie surgery suits your needs.